Using Blockchain Technology for Sustainable Food Systems
By Matshediso Motshabi In order to make it difficult or impossible to alter, hack, or cheat the system, information is…
The Significance of Agricultural Forecasting in Botswana
Agricultural forecasting is the practice of estimating agricultural yields, pricing, animal productivity, and other associated characteristics using a variety of…
Selection Of A Mating Bull Using The Integration Of African Indigenous Knowledge And Modern Pastoral Management Practices
Africa has a long history of pastoralism, the practice of rearing animals for food as well as for other purposes.…
How To Produce Good Animals For Meat Production, A Closer Look Into Kalahari Red Breed
With more people considering farming as a profitable business, knowledge on management should be considered a necessity to ensure profits…
Vermiculture in Botswana
Vermiculture (vermis from the Latin word of worm), or rather compost farming is a practice of transforming raw- organic residues…
Youth-Led Agri-Business
The African continent is the home and has the highest demographic age group population of youth aged between 18-35 years…